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AIMA Member Discount

The benefits of your AIMA membership are with you every step of your career.

Employees of AIMA member companies are eligible for a 20% discount on first-time exam registration fees

If you are an employee of an AIMA member company and want to register for the FDP exam, follow these steps after the opening of the FDP registration date noted at the top of this page::

  1. Create an FDP Profile 
  2. Email us at to let us know you are interested in registering for the exam.
  3. Within the email, please include: 
  • Your FDP Profile number 
  • Your Employers Name 

Our team will verify your discount eligibility and process the discount during the FDP registration period. After your discount has been approved, our team will send you a message with next steps.

    Note: No discount can be provided after the Enrollment and Registration fees have been marked as paid  (no exceptions). 

    Discounts may not be combined. The FDPI reserves the right to review all discount usage at any time in a Candidate’s program participation. Misuse of partner discounts may subject Candidates to potential misconduct proceedings and permanent suspension of FDP Charter eligibility.

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